About Pesticides...
Below are our articles on the subject of About Pesticides. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...

Are Pesticides Harmful to Pets?
A simple guide to keeping pets safe around pesticides, including simple precautions and selected examples of some of the specific risks posed by certain chemicals to…...

Are Pesticides Safe to Use in the Home?
Guidelines for the safe handling, storage, use and disposal of pesticides in the home and garden, suggesting a few common sense precautions aimed at non-professional…...

Avoiding the Dangers of Pesticides
Suggestions on avoiding pesticide dangers by the use of natural, non-chemical controls, the safe handling of pesticides when necessary and eating organic or home-grown…...

Different Pesticides and Their Uses
An introduction to the importance of different pesticides and their uses, covering selection factors, application methods, modes of action and their efficacy, with…...

Questionnaire: Are You Safe Around Pesticides?
In the end, pesticide safety comes down to the user - so the question is, are you safe around them? Try this quick questionnaire to find out....

Understanding Pesticide Labels
The benefits of understanding the information on pesticide labels, including the statutory information, regulation, approvals, general warnings and guidelines and…...

Understanding the Different Kinds of Insecticides
All insecticides are not the same; picking the right one for the job calls for a little understanding of the way they work – and a careful read of the label!...

Using Weed Killers Safely
A general guide to choosing and using weed killers safely, to avoid harm to the user, wanted garden plants or the environment while ensuring effective weed control....