Pest Problems...
Below are our articles on the subject of Pest Problems. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...

A Who's Who of Kids' Pest Problems
Pests make few concessions for age, but there are some which if not exclusively a kid’s problem, are at least largely so. Here’s our who’s who of the worst offenders....

A Who's Who of Pet Pest Problems
Knowing what you are up against is the key to making sure that your pet isn’t too bothered by unwanted guests....

Avoiding Pest Problems
Many pest problems are far easier to avoid than to treat once they’ve become well and truly established, so here are a few simple tips to give you the edge....

Beware the Blood-suckers!
It is undeniably horrible to know that something is just waiting to suck your blood; here’s our guide to some of the most blood-thirsty small creatures around....

Common Fruit Tree Pests
Fruit tree pests can pose a serious challenge to gardeners; recognising the tale-tale signs of infestation early and taking appropriate action swiftly are key to…...

Common Soft Fruit Pests
Soft fruits make an attractive meal for a whole host of insects and other pests; vigilance and prompt treatment should help ensure they don’t become too much of a…...

Fascinating Facts About Pests
A collection of facts about three of our least favourite pests - fleas, rats and wasps. You probably won’t like them more, but you might see them in a different light!...

Keeping Your Pets Pest-Free
Owning a pet is one of life’s great joys, but it needs a little vigilance and a few simple precautions to make sure your pet stay pest-free....

Questionnaire: Insect Friend or Enemy?
There’s a war raging outside your back-door as helpful bugs battle the pests lurking in your garden, but do you know friend from foe? Find out with our quick quiz....

Signs That Your Plant has a Pest Problem
A what-to-look-for guide to the symptoms of pest infestation, including feeding damage, eggs and larvae and the benefits to knowing the specific pests of particular…...

Telling Good Pests From the Bad
A discussion of good and bad pests, examining the importance of personal perception and point of view and some of the factors in making that distinction....

Ten Top Tips for Avoiding Pest Problems
The best way to deal with pests is to avoid problems in the first place; our top 10 tips won’t guarantee you’ll stay entirely pest-free, but they’ll certainly help!...

When does a Pest Become a Problem?
A discussion of some of the ways we know when a pest poses a problem and the underlying ideas that let us make this judgement for ourselves....